Behavioral Health Evaluation and Intervention

Outpatient offices

Providence, Warren (at Riverwood Mental Health Services)

Most behavioral health problems can be treated effectively by scientifically supported psychological interventions.  Psychological Centers works to offer specific approaches found to be effective for specific problems, including through our professional training program.

Our treatment plans, like all of our paperwork, are designed based on research about how best to help clinicians organize and design services ahead of time, rather than to document what was done after services were provided.  To help clinicians be as effective as possible, we review treatment plans to offer feedback, and to measure their relationship to clients’ outcomes.

We track treatment progress on a regular basis and use this information to continuously improve our services for every individual we serve.  We also use this information to improve our services in general.

Consultation and psychological evaluation

Accurate diagnoses and clear understanding of clients’ psychological functioning often determine access to services and how to make sure services are effective. Psychological Centers provides expert consultation and psychological evaluation at the request of clients, parents, schools, pediatricians and other medical providers, and others seeking to determine how best to serve children and adults. Psychological Centers also offers consultation on program design and management and services in areas about which our staff have specific relevant expertise.

Program evaluation services

In addition to evaluating the effectiveness of all of our own services, Psychological Centers staff with experience in evaluation and research conduct and consult about program evaluation to determine effectiveness and how to improve services offered by other agencies and providers.