
Over time, this page will present results of our outcomes evaluations as they become available.  We are interested in reactions and feedback, which should be sent to:



Center for Community Based Services:

Our first results are available by clicking below

CCBS outcomes 2010

2012 update: CCBS Outcomes Summary 6-12

Multisystemic Therapy (MST):

Our first MST results use data provided by DCYF as well as MSTI (Institute, the data analytic arm of MST’s oversight system) and comparison data from New Mexico and Colorado.

MST outcomes summary 3-11

Outpatient Services:

Goal: To assess the effectiveness and sustainability of our outpatient psychological services, and to use this information to inform training, supervision, and other quality assurance processes.

We are currently collecting symptom/disorder specific measures at intake, 5th session, and every 3 months after that

We offer our clinicians an array of research-validated measures from which to choose, so they are able to use their judgment and tailor their collection of data so that the information is relevant and valuable, and the time the client spends filling out questionnaires is put to best use

Preliminary results indicate a significant drop in depression and anxiety between intake and follow-up assessments

Primary barrier to address: the need to provide administrative support to a dispersed workforce

Steps taken:

Clinicians receive quarterly feedback via email on how many questionnaires they have sent, their clients’ aggregated scores, and whether the aggregate data indicates trends toward improvement

Newsletter updates regarding overall outcomes and policies

Creation of clinical feedback sheets to enable program evaluation assistants to give practically useful feedback to clinicians regarding their clients’ scores

Uploading measures to Google Docs to ensure easier accessibility

Identification of additional clinical measures to ensure clinicians can choose measures that are useful for their client population

Goals for the future:

follow-up phone calls with former clients at 3, 6, and 12 months to determine sustainable benefit of services

analyze link between quality of clinical formulation and outcome